Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sorry I have not posted an update lately. It has been very hard juggling two kids, a full time job, and trying to be there as much as possible for my mom and dad.

Last night my mom took my dad into the ER again. They thought he maybe had a blood clot in his leg, as his foot was all swollen. They really didn't do much for him - not even an ultrasound to look for a blood clot. They said they didn't think it was and sent him home. Sometimes it is so frustrating dealing with doctors. I know they feel that my dad is getting to a point where there is not a lot they can do for him, but he deserves the dignity of care that he deserves. He has made his decision to fight, and until he decides otherwise, they should not treat him like he is termnial.

My mom had to convince my dad for a couple hours to go to the ER. He didn't want to be admitted again. It is so hard, because we know that there will probably be many more ER trips and hospital stays if he continues to fight this.

Sometimes this whole situation is so overwhelming to me, that I wish I could live in a bubble of denial for a few days. But I know my mom and dad both really need me right now, so I cannot do that.

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