So I went to the Urologist today. He doesn't think it is my kidney stone causing me pain at all. He thinks the pain is coming from something in my bladder. Bladder spasms can cause flank pain I guess. He is also concerned about the blood in my urine.
So next week I have to have two separate tests done. A cystoscopy - which they will insert a scope through a catheder and look at my bladder. The second is called a CMG which measures the pressure in your bladder. They are on separate days, so if the first one is bad - I have time to back out of the second one :o)
I am really freaking out. Anyone that knows me well, knows I hate pain. And you also know that I will sit and reasearch the procedures, and freak out until I have them done.
I am still not convinced that the pain is not from my stone. I mean my kidney feels bruised. When I push on it, I have pain. So I don't know. I guess I should trust the specialist as he probably knows what he is doing. He put me on some medication that is suppose to help me not pee so much, and also help with back pain. So we'll see.
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