Saturday, September 26, 2009

Update on my dad

They originally thought he had pneomonia, but they don't think so anymore. The doctor thinks that what the radiologist was seeing was the cancer spot in my dad's lung. When they brought him into his room, he had a 103 fever. They checked his hemoglobin level, and it was down to 7.2. It was 9.2 (which is still very low) on Thursday. So they think he may have internal bleeding somewhere. The doctor said internal bleeding can cause a high fever. So they are giving him a blood transfusion, and will recheck his hemoglobin tomorrow. If it has not improved, they will do a catscan. They also did blood and urine cultures again, but they take 12 hours, so we will not know any more until tomorrow. I plan on going to the hospital in the morning, and will update my blog tomorrow night.

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