Yesterday I got my spinal tap results back, and was told they came back positive for the markers of Multiple Sclerosis. I can't say I am all the surprised. I think I have know that this would be the diagnosis for quite awhile now. I've had several comlications and issues that I have been dealing with for a couple of years now. It can all point back to MS now. I am a little relieved to get the diagnosis actually, as I was beginning to think I was crazy with all the weird stuff I have been experiencing. They think my eye can also be from the MS.
So what's next? Well, next week I have to undergo some more testing. I have to have a MRI of my spine to check for lesions there. I also have to undergo 3 evoked potential tests. Those tests check the function of your nerve pathways. After that, it will be another waiting game until I meet with the neurologist on 9/6.
I am thinking I may check out a different neurologist. I really like the one I have, but he specializes in pain management, so he is not a specialist when it comes to MS. I think I may check out Marshfield Clinic again, as they have been so AWESOME in dealing with my eye. They seem like they actually care, and they are constantly calling to follow up with me.
I will have to decide whether or not to go on treatment. I know some people would think that is a no-brainer, but there are a lot of things to think about when weighing it out. First the medication is very expensive. So I need to figure out how my insurance would cover it. Secondly, it's not just a little pill that you swallow every day. Most the treatments are intramuscular injections. Thirdly, the medications all can have nasty side effects. These are all things that I need to think about. I do want to do anything I can in my power though to slow down the progression of this disease.
So how am I? I am actually doing good. Call it shock, or denial, or whatever, but I am ok! Like I said, it is actually a relief. Of course I worry about the future. That is only natural. I worry about my mobility, and being able to care for my kids. I worry for the health of my girls. I don't want them to get this some day either!
I've seen my mom live through this disease. I know it can be done. Will it suck? Yes! Will there be pain? Yes! Will there be moments of pity for myself and asking, "why me"? I am sure there will! But I am just thankful it is not a terminal disease. MS treatments have come so far in the last 10 years. I am hopeful that I will be able to live a fairly normal and very long life!!
This is just another bump in the road for me....
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