Wednesday, April 21, 2010

two months

thinking of you lots and missing you today Dad on this two month mark of you passing.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled across your website by accident, i was just browsing in google, but i am glad i found it. I know how hard it is to lose someone you love to such a horrible disease, i lost my dad almost 11 months ago, and it still hasn't sunk in. It's the hardest thing in the world, learning to let go, but i hope that you find a way to move on and a special way to remember your father.
    I'm not sure how old you are or where in the world you are, but it doesn't make much difference to me. I am 17 years old, and i think for me, it has been harder to lose him now then it would have been in 10 years. He missed my graduation, just by a few months, he missed my formal, my acceptance to University, he will miss my wedding and my kids - it's never easy to lose a parent, and you will never forget him. But the hardest thing to do is to move on, to stop thinking about what he will miss and start thinking about all the things he did get to see.

    Thinking and praying for you.
