Hi everyone. Looking for prayers for me. I am on my 15th day of loosing sight in my left eye. I've had a lot of crazy issues going on, and I am praying for a resolution and diagnosis.
For 3 months now I have been having some episodes of wicked vertigo and dizzy spells. On May 5th when I thought I had a migrane. I started with some weird visual disturbances and numb lips. But I never really got a headache. The next two weeks I had some weird issues with my vision and hands. When I looked at my hands and arms they looked funny and they wouldn't do what I wanted them to do. It was very weird, and very hard for me to even explain it.
I went to the doctor and explained my vertigo and weird vision symptoms. I was told by her that maybe I had anxiety issues and should take some xanax. I was so mad. I knew that I did not have any anxiety, and I was not crazy. So I left there and made my own appointment with a neurologist, who in turned ordered an MRI.
The following week I was outside playing with my kids when I saw a flash of yellow light in my left eye. The next day my left eye had a constant strobe light in it - and I couldn't see out of the flashing part what so ever. Of course this was really worrisome to me, and very annoying. It's really hard to look at a computer screen, and even drive when you have only one eye.
I saw the neurologist last Monday, and she said everything on my MRI came back normal - although they didn't order one with contrast. She kept hinting that she thought this was all maybe related to a migrane - although I don't think that is the case. They drew 6 vials of blood from me to check everything you can imagine: Lymes disease, Lupus, thyroid, viatamin defficiencies, complete blood count. She also ordered a sleep deprived EEG and me to see an Opthamologist.
I saw the Opthamologist last Wednesday. He dilated my eyes and looked at my retina and my optic nerve. He said that everything looked fine. He chalked it up to my eyes aging, and the gel settling in my eyes. He told me to come back in a month - and to also come back on Friday for some visual feild tests, even thought he thought those would come back normal.
I was so frustrated. I got the feeling that he wasn't taking my eye sight very seriously. To make matters worse, Thursday night my right foot went numb. It feels like it is asleep - constantly.
I went back on Friday and had the vision field tests. The nurse indicated something wasn't right, and told me she wanted me to see the doctor before I left. The doctor came in and told me I had no vision in my left optic nerve. I wanted to say to him - duh, I know - that's what I have been trying to tell you. I also told him about my new symptom of the numb foot. I could tell that all of the sudden he believed me and was more worried about what was going on. He said he was going to call my neurologist and would have them call me this week.
So that is where it stands. I have to go back to the eye doctor on Thursday. I hope they can give me steroids or something to get my vision back. I just want to know what is wrong with me. Whatever it is. I'll get through it - but I want to know. There's nothing more awful than not feeling well, and having doctors tell you that you are crazy, or not taking it seriously.
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