So last Friday Jason and I had dinner with Pastor Dan from the Assembly of God church in Shawano. I started attending the church this past winter. I love the church that I grew up in - but it is just to far away to be practical for my family.
This church is much different than what I am accustomed too. They sing a lot. But not just sing - they praise and worship God through their songs. At first I thought it was a little weird, but now I love it. Every service I see someone moved to tears. I have cried many times at one of the pastor's messages. That is why I have been so touched with this church.
I had a lot of questions. This pastor talked a lot about the rapture. It was a concept that I didn't remember learning a lot about growing up. I had a whole list of questions. My sister in law who attends the same church, offered to have us to dinner with the pastor.
It was so great to sit down and have a "Bible 101" talk with someone. I never understood the old and new testaments. I never understood a lot about religion. I think I learned it all at an age that I didn't really feel the need to know it. And at an age I was just going to confirmation classes because it was the thing to do.
The part that I took away most from the conversation was that you can believe in Jesus in your mind, but if you don't have him in your heart, it doesn't do much good. I totally get this. It wasn't long ago that I had a "come to Jesus moment" where I really felt him in my heart. I've always believed, and I've always tried to live my life through Christ, but now I really have him in my heart.
I wonder if my dad had him in his heart. I think he did. He never came out and said it - but I know the last month of his life he was very spiritual. The pastor said it doesn't matter when you claim Christ as your savior, as long as you do. I feel like I am starting a new chapter in my life. A chapter I can't wait to share and teach to my children.
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