Monday, November 30, 2009


We had a very low key, very nice Thanksgiving. My dad ate from the comfort of his favorite recliner. I went to Thanksgiving in my pajamas which was nice. We had a Wii bowling tournament.

One funny thing that happened was McKenna was watching Dora in the spare bedroom. She came out and told me she pooped. So I grabbed a diaper and had her lay down so I could change her. I lifted her dress and there was no diaper on her! I went into the spare bedroom, and low and behold there was her diaper, and a trail of four turds on the floor! We don't know if he took off her diaper and pooped, or if she pooped and then took off her diaper dumping it every where. Thank god it was not a messy poop!

I am very thankful this year for my two healthy little girls, my parents, my wonderful in-laws, my job and co-workers, and my faboulous friends.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Update on my dad

My dad met with the Onocologist today. He thinks it is too soon too say the chemo he is on right now (sutent) is a failure. He said the tumor grew so much after the surgery, they can't be sure how effective this drug has been. They are going to put him on another round of this chemo, which is 4 more weeks, then they will do another catscan after that to determine how it is reacting. There is a combination drug they can try next, but it is more dangerous. He also said that he is not concerned about the spot on his liver. So all in all, it is better news then what we were expecting. Which is nice, hopefully we won't have heavy hearts on Thanksgiving, and can truly enjoy the time as a family.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Really Crappy Day

I've had just a really crappy day. Jason is off hunting all weekend, so I am all alone with the girls. Which isn't so bad, except McKenna is going through this jealous stage, that whenever I have Macey, she is so naughty. While I was feeding her today, she colored all over our bathroom door and cupboards with a magic marker. Thank goodness for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. Otherwise Jason would have had a heart attack when he got home.

To top it off McKenna would not nap today for me. So not only is she jealous, but extra crabby. And Macey has been fussy all day. Then McKenna ended my night by pooping in the bathtub. What's up with that? Can I just say how disgusting that is to clean up?

But the worse news is about my dad. He went in to the Emergency Room this morning, because he thought maybe his iliostomy was blocked. They did a catscan. It is not blocked, but it showed that his cancer has gotten worse. And there is a new spot on his liver. They told him to call his onocologist on Monday to make an appointment. But we think they are really doing everything they can for him already. I am so sad, and depressed, and feel really alone right now. I am really trying not to let myself fall into a deep dark depression, but it is really hard. Especially since my husband, and all of my family is off hunting or living it up with weekend. This is when I feel like I need them with me, but instead I feel deserted. Which I know is stupid. Jason deserves a weekend of hunting, but I still wish he was here right now.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Life with 2 kids

Life with 2 kids is very hectic! We are trying to get into a routine! McKenna loves her little sister. She kisses her head, and then always says "I like the baby." It's so cute. She has adjusted extremly well. She gets into mischief when I am feeding Macey, because she knows I cannot get up and stop her from what she is doing!

Macey looks so much like her big sister Nevaeh. I can't get over it. Her nose, lips, and chin are identical. I spent almost every day for six weeks staring at Nevaeh, and now it is like looking at her all over again! It is kind of emotional for me. Sometimes I wonder if Nevaeh has come back to us healthy, as Macey. One can only wonder. Especially with all the down syndrome concerns with this pregnancy.

I packed up and put away all of my maternity clothes today. I know for certain Macey is our last baby, but it was still kind of sad packing away all the clothes. I want to donate them to the domestic abuse shelter, but Jason said we need to store them in the attic for awhile just incase there is ever an accident. I love my kids, but I hope there is no accident. We are out of room in our house, and out of money for daycare!

I am enjoying being on maternity leave and just staring at Macey as much as I can. I still can't believe this little girl is here and healthy and perfect!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Miss Macey

Lil Miss Macey is doing well. She has been a little bit fussy the past few days, and last night she was up quite a bit. But for some reason, the second time around, I seem to have more patience.

It's been quite an adjustment for all of us having another baby. McKenna loves her, but she doesn't like the fact that not all my time is devoted to her. Last night I finally felt okay enough to lay with McKenna and put her to bed, and she really liked that. She wasn't liking that daddy had to do that. Jason has been great, pretty much attending to everything relating to McKenna. He gets her up in the morning, gets her dressed, brings her to daycare, picks her up, gives her a bath, and sometimes puts her to bed. I wouldn't be able to do it without him!!

My dad still has not been able to meet Macey. He didn't come to the hospital with all of the germs, and then my mom was sick, so we were not able to go up there. I hope he gets to meet her soon!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blessed Times Two

It's amazing how fast you can fall in love with someone you just met. I can't seem to kiss or cuddle Macey enough. I keep counting my blessings over and over. God is good!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's a Girl!

Little miss Macey Jean Onesti was born at 7:44 a.m. on 10/30. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long!

Jason actually chose the name Macey, but I love it! And the meaning of Macey is hapiness and upbeat. I love the meaning as well.

Macey is healthy in every way possible, and we thank the lord!! I am so thankful to have two healthy children!

Big sister loves her! She says - my Macey! We'll see how well she likes her when she comes home!