Monday, August 16, 2010


This morning I was slicing a few pieces of cheese for McKenna, and it made me think of my dad. It made me remember the time he came to my apartment to watch a Packer game. I had some cheese and sausage out. My dad was harrasing me about how thick my cheese was sliced, and what an awful job I did. That Christmas my dad bought me a cheese cutter as a gift. I still have it and use it.

This is another example of how the simplest things remind me of my dad. On a daily basis I think of him at least ten times. I know its because he shaped me to be the person I am today. But I also think its because I have so many fond memories of him for 29 years, that everything in life is going to remind me of my dad. And because all I have left are memories...I think it's a good thing. Even if it is something as simple as cheese.

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